Make Way For…

Quack, Lack and Mack move over and let me introduce, Astatic, Lazarus and Buddy. Trust me- in a household that has provided shelter to a little girl determined that she should be called Harbor Light and another child formerly named after a Gaelic Queen who currently goes by her Elvin name, Niblet…the ducks got really simple names.

Baby ducks born in our living room? Of course!

Our female ducks have been “nest sharing” for weeks now. Is that really a term? Someone educate me please. It seems that the ducks have all laid eggs in one nest and take turns sitting on them. It is quite economical I believe. This way they all get to enjoy swimming and foraging outside while only one of them sits on the nest inside the chicken coop.

And then they started hatching.

Right on time, mind you. At day 28 we found a fully fluffed up, beautifully perfect and very DEAD duckling that had been thrown out of the nest. I am still not quite sure why that happened, but it happened again and again.

So when Ayla ran over to tell me that one of the eggs was cracked I rushed over and put it to my ear and when I heard the little duckling peeping inside of the egg… well, I had to intervene.

Astatic and Buddy both had beautiful home births on our living room floor complete with post partum hair drying. Lazarus on the other hand. He was one of those ducklings that got thrown out of the nest and by some amazing feat of nature came back from the dead on top of our heating pad. I know it sounds strange but he was cold and lifeless and now he is dabbling and swimming… swimming in our bathtub even.

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