Spring Creek Ranch is a vacation rental property located in Winthrop, Washington in the bucolic Methow Valley. The ranch consists of sixty acres with three separate lodgingaccommodations. Spring Creek Ranch hosts numerous weddings and family reunions each year. Call Sarah @ 509-996-2495 to learn more.
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This Moment
This isn’t really a moment from the week. This image is more like what parts of every day have looked like over the past 3+ weeks. You see, I checked out the 7 books of Narnia on CD and this happens to be the only CD player that I own. Granted the Boom Box (can I say that? does anyone use that term anymore?) has worked exceptionally well since I first purchased it for my Wesleyan dorm room, but it is getting a wee bit old at this point.
So, thank you C.S. Lewis for your amazing gift of story telling and for the ability to hold my child STILL for any amount of time.
that is just beautiful!