
What happens when a wedding planner plans her own wedding? Wonderful, wonderful things, let me tell you. More to come on that soon! Perhaps you’ve guessed that we are not in the Methow … emails and communication may be a bit delayed over the next week, so please standby. We want to hear from you and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Skiing has been great in the Methow and the beaches in Maui have been great too 😉


Grateful for helping hands…

Keen eyes and sharper vision…

wood stoves and warm hearths…

the joy that is inherent in jumping…

So grateful for the gift of a magical sibling visit.

Spring Creek Bridge

The brand new Spring Creek Bridge was looking beautiful this morning! Most of the valley got between 6-8 inches of snow last night. Let the cross country skiing begin!

First Snow

We all have our own personal associations with the season’s first snow. Some may think of s’mores, ruddy cheeks, wool or wood. I think of Jeremiah Johnson.

During my years fighting fire for the USFS we would often watch Sydney Pollack’s 1972 film in the late fall as the air turned cold and the snow plows starting driving toward Washington Pass.

With snow falling outside, the Methow Valley begins her long winter season wrapped in white. And I hope that Sydney, Bob and all the Great Hunters of the world are resting…cozy and warm.