Vote on Audience Choice!

Celestial Cinema kicks off tonight with a showing of E.T.!

Please cast your vote (below in the comments section) for which film you would like to have shown Wednesday, August 22nd.  I will add up the votes and announce the Audience Choice film next Wednesday, August 15th at A River Runs Through It.

Choices are:

The Princess Bride


The Goonies

All great choices… you decide which one is shown!


21 thoughts on “Vote on Audience Choice!

  1. Winthrop, Wa. 98862 said:

    Amazing night with E.T.!

    Shooting stars, space station sighting and 3 Army helicopter to boot.

    Princess Bride is my vote!

  2. Tim said:

    Thanks for ET!

    Go with Princess Bride…

  3. Raiff, Kierra & Nancy said:

    We vote for Shrek.
    Second choice, Princess Bride.

  4. Jenn said:

    ….tough call…. but I have to go with Princess Bride!

  5. Lliam Donohue said:

    the pricess bride!

  6. Nicole O'Driscoll said:


  7. Danielle said:

    The Princess Bride!!!
    (though love and respect to the Goonies)

  8. Larry said:

    Princess bride !
    One of the all time great films…..

  9. Blue Bradley said:

    I vote for the Princess Bride – a true classic!

  10. Larry said:

    The Princess Bride – a true love story!

  11. Princess Bride!!!!

    After all, my Wesley will always come for me:)

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