Sneak Peak

One more sneak peak at our upcoming! new! website couldn’t hurt now- right?

With a Magnifier and Matzoh

It always amazes me how fast Spring can come on.  

Two days ago I gave a tour around Spring Creek Ranch to a lovely couple from Seattle considering the ranch for their nuptials and I found myself having to promise that the ranch would indeed green up.  I promised over and over that the tight buds would stretch open, thirsty for the warm sun and spring rains.

And in no less than twenty four hours (after they left- no less) we got a little bit of precipitation and warm sun and BOOM- it is almost as if I can watch the Cottonwood buds unfolding.  It is a spectacular site and smell. Oh, the Cottonwood stands all over the ranch smell like glowing honey.  Or at least what I imagine honey would smell like if it could glow.

So as the local temps soared through the 70 degree marker today I found our family in a brand new rhythm.  No longer does ever voyage outside take 10 minutes to dress each member in the appropriate boots, gloves, hat and snow suit- no!  Now crocs are the default footwear and the day became a flow between baseball, tennis(for the first time!), climbing rocks, then trees, flying a kite, chasing chickens and my favorite- the pre-dinner walk to the river.

Walking along the river before dinner, with a magnifying glass and leftover Matzoh.  Does a Spring day get better than this?


Somebody lost her 1st tooth!  Lots of Spring growth happening around here…