Spring Creek Ranch is a vacation rental property located in Winthrop, Washington in the bucolic Methow Valley. The ranch consists of sixty acres with three separate lodgingaccommodations. Spring Creek Ranch hosts numerous weddings and family reunions each year. Call Sarah @ 509-996-2495 to learn more.
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We have had two beautiful June weddings this year. The weather has cooperated with blue skies and sun and only one 15 minute down pour which the children all thoroughly enjoyed.

The Methow Valley has had quite a wet spring this year. The hills are still brushed in green velvet and the rivers are swollen with spring run off. The spring salmon are strong in numbers and strength this year. Spring Creek is packed with salmon all making their way home. Every year it is just amazing to watch their fortitude… and to eat fresh wild Alaskan salmon, too!

Congrats to all of our new couples!